Results: Wrestling Geekfest – Saturday Night Spectacular – August 15th, 2015 – Strongville, OH

Results: Wrestling Geekfest – Saturday Night Spectacular – August 15th, 2015 – Strongville, OH

Wrestling Geekfest Saturday Night Spectacular
Strongville, Ohio

Ring Announcer/Host: Louden Noxious
Refs: Bryce Remsburg & Jake Clemons


1.) Dalton Castle defeated “ECW Superstar” Colin Delaney
-Before the match, Louden and Bryce rolled dice to decide which
company Dalton’s opponent would be from. First choice was WCCW, 2nd
choice was Don Owen’s Portland Wrestling, and finally 3rd choice was
-Colin came out in a ECW shirt and gear he wore while in ECW. He also
had his ribs taped.


2.) Madison Rayne defeated Jade (Mia Yim) via rollup.
-Before the match, Madison cut a babyface promo praising Ohio and said
the last time she was in the Cleveland area was working for JT
-During the match, Madison had Jade against a guard rail and let some
kids hold her down whole she chopped her.


3) The Scarewolf defeated Brute and Massacre.
-Apparently, all of these characters are from the future and live on
some distant planet in another galaxy. The entrance was declared a
“time portal” which is how they got to this show.
-There was no ref for this match and the less said about it, the better.


4) Olde Wrestling Showcase match. Sen. Sheppard, Rep. Volstead, &
Judge Hugo def Felino de Rojo, Gregory Iron & Marion Fontaine
-Judge Hugo is Rickey Shane Page.
-The winning heel team was representing prohibition.
-Really fun match despite the heel team winning.


5) Nation of Intoxication defeated OI4K and Madman Pondo
-Lots of weapons and various plunder in this match.
-After NOI wins, they put Dave Crist thru a table and challenge all 3
to a match at the September CZW show.


During intermission, Leva Bates (dressed as Mankind) judged a costume
contest which included fans and other women wrestlers. Brittney Blake
was Hot Rod Roddy Piper, Veda Scott was IRS, and Crazy Mary was Kane.
The winner was a fan dressed as Bray Wyatt. After the contest Veda and
Crazy Mary challenged Leva and Blake to a match.


6) Leva Bates & Brittney Blake beat Veda Scott and Crazy Mary.
-Dick Justice (dressed as Dusty Rhodes) was the special enforcer who
counted the pin after the ref was knocked out.
-After the match, Crazy Mary chokeslammed Veda Scott after Scott
blamed her for losing.


7) Tim Donst defeated Paul London via submission
-London made a very long entrance going all around the venue and even
outside. During this, Louden kept stretching his intro to cover the
time which was funny.
-London decided to raise the stakes for this match and declared the
winner would win a mushy banana and a Jimmy Korderas DVD.
-After the match, both men cut promos on each other praising each
other and shared the banana together. Really nice moment.


8) Moose pins Eddie Kingston after hitting 2 spears.
-Eddie was hilarious here cutting promos on kids saying they were
adopted and he’s going to beat up Santa so they wont get any presents
at Christmas.