Top 6 WrestleMania Dream Matches

Top 6 WrestleMania Dream Matches

With the 31st anniversay of the biggest sports entertainment spectacle upon us, it’s time hits you with six dream matches. The following matches are all possible with the right monetary motivation.

You may not agree with these six and thats ok!

Comment below and tell us what you think Wrestelmania should look like. With out further delay, my six first Mania Dream bouts!

Hogan vs Cena:
While we all take our fair amount of free shots at both, both have done big things for WWE and in turn wrestling as a whole.

So Big Hogan wants one more match, and while Austin would be fun… Hulkamania vs Thuganomania is the most likely end for Hulk. Pass the torch to the guy who is this generations Hulk.

Let Hogans career end by his own choice which is a math with the man of WWE for the bast decade plus. Then Hogan’s career can retire after one last Mania match against the guy who is most like Hogan today.

Rock vs Triple H:
A legendary fued, now both are part timers. But both are living legends who have had one of the most epic rivalries in WWE history.
So what would it be like if these two gladiators had one final battle at Wrestlemania?

Undertaker vs Sting:
Sure HHH and Sting is gonna be epic but in reality Sting vs Taker is what we all want.

The two icons, a shadowy avenger and the undeniable phenom. I wouldn’t mind Wyatt and Taker but what I want is the dream match. Taker is virtually retired and thia may be the last chance we have, if ever for this dream match. Come on Vince make it happen!

Ryback vs Goldberg:
I know, makes less sense with a Face Ryback, but if you want Goldberg chants to vanish for good? Pay Goldberg what he wants for one year, let him and Ryback both have an unstoppable year and then unleash them at Mania. Let Ryback get the rub he needs to become one of the top five guys in WWE.

Austin vs CM Punk:
The most unlikely match, and it may never happen. but if I had one million subscribers and wanted to make two million, these two ultimate rebels in one dream match would be the dream.

It’d almost be as good as Punk vs Randy Savage, but alas it is too late for this. So bring us the ultimate anti-heroes back for one last Mania dance!

Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle:
That was one of the best matches in Mania history. If I called the shots I would have Angel return just to build this one match up as his retirement match.

The two would have one more legendary match up giving Lesnar more momentum whilst allowing Angle one last amazing run, and of course final match.