Since WWE debuted “Satan’s Structure” in 1997, Hell in a Cell has become one of the most popular gimmick matches in the company’s history. While usually Hell in a Cell is used to conclude a long-running feud, the matches usually featured brutal in-ring action and the occasional Foley spot off the top of the cell itself.
Hell in a Cell become an annual pay-per-view in 2009. The PPV became notorious for hosting multiple Hell in a Cell matches in the same night. As it often does, the match has lost some of it’s appeal. Where the match used to be a treat, a rarity, a gimmick match that was used to show just how big of a score the combatants had to settle. These days the cell is often an unnecessary and irrelevant object, seldom even being used in the match. Don’t even get me started on how hard it is to pull of a monumental and history HIAC match under a PG rating…
Since 1997, there has been twenty-five Hell in a Cell matches.. Some of the greatest moments in WWE history have happened inside the Cell. Careers made. Legends Born. But with the good… there is always some bad. And there have been some BAD Hell in a Cell matches over the years. So allow me to take a look at the three worst Hell in a Cell matches in WWE History.